martes, 14 de marzo de 2006

Sabatini receives 2006 World Women and Sport award

Gabriela Sabatini

The Women and Sport Commission's choice of the World Trophy in 2006 was Argentinean tennis player and three times world No. 3 Gabriela Sabatini. After retiring from an active sports career in 1996, Gabriela Sabatini devoted the same strength and energy to her support work, with a view, in her own words, to "give back to sport something of the many things that sport gave to me". She is behind a programme for young players run by the national tennis federation for which she has provided all the funding. She also finances women's tennis tournaments and free tennis clinics for young children - all out of the public eye.

International Tennis Federation-The World Governing Body of Tennis

Para mi es una muestra más de los otros beneficios del deporte: amor a los demás, entrega, gratitud, humildad, etc.
Cuando veremos más ejemplos como éste en nuestro país?

lunes, 6 de marzo de 2006

Gracias Acapulco....

Una clara imagen de la importancia de la psicología aplicada al deporte

Impecable torneo lleno de garra y de soñar muy alto..
